Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bodybuilding and football

The sport is most important thing that humans need. There are a lot of benefits and a few  drawbacks. I will  compare between two sports, one is bodybuilding and the other football.
There are many similarties.First bodybuilding and football are good for the health .For example when people play sports the circulation in the body works well which helps to avoid diseases. Second both sports have a coach or personal trainer to direct the player to the right path. The Last similarity is  bodybuilding and football  have scheduled  training like in bodybuilding .Every day the bodybuilder trains a part  and the same in football every day football  players do something different. like endurance training and kicking a ball.
Although, There are many differences between football and bodybuilding .
First ,in both sports  use  shoes  but the difference is for the football players they use shoes that’s suited to the pitch ,but in bodybuilding they used normal shoes. Second difference is the clothes, football players wear tight clothes on body which impedes movement of the body, but on other hand the bodybuilder they can wear loose or tight clothes. The last difference is football is a team sport but bodybuilding is individual sport.
All and all ,sport is good for all ages.Also good for older people but I prefer bodybuilding than football because I can wear loose clothes and I like to play individually. Also in my life I have done many things ,but bodybuilding I feel I was born for it .
251 words

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