Sunday, May 22, 2011

mobile phones argument 5


The UAE police every year organize a campaign. The last police campaign was about not using mobile phones while people are driving .Using handheld phones should be make illegal has positive and negative aspaets.This essay will discuss both sides of the argument.
First let us look at why using handheld phones should be made illegal, is good idea. Many people think that not allowing the use of handheld phones will lower once accident parentage .If people aren’t using their mobile, than they will concentrate on their driving. Another point is police can stop drivers on the road, if there is a law then police are able to enforce it and give people tickets or fines. The last point is traffic fines will help pay for traffic safe programs, to teach people how to drive safe.

Now let us look at why using handheld phones should be made illegal is not a good idea. First if you have an important call and you don’t have your headphones will have to ignore the callers. Another point is problem for businessmen. Businessmen need to talk on their phones while going to an oppointment.Another point is there is really no research that supports whether mobile phones use is dangerous or not. the last points is you can’t stop the car and complete yours call on the side of the road, but you still can talk from your car.
All in all, driving cars needs all of the drivers attention because it’s dangours.i think it’s good to made it illegal because it will reduce the accident percentage. I hope everybody has a safe trip.
271 words


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