Monday, February 28, 2011

Leisure product in Uk

The two pie charts show spending on leisure products in the UK by groups of ages 20-30 and 50-60. Overall, people in the UK spend a lot of money on the electronic equipment.
The biggest difference was on purchasers for sports. In group of age 20-30 spending on sports is 20%, but in the 50-60 age group it's 5% or one-quarter. The biggest expenditure of leisure products is on  electronic equipment at 41% and -38% for three groups respectively . The second biggest expenditure for leisure is on books and magazines by the 50-60 age group at 28%. The money spent on the leisure product, specifiically on photography in both age group remains the same at 5%
In conclusion, the electronic equipment has first place in the money spent in the UK. The 50-60 age group the has lower percentages of spending. They spend money a lot for books and magazines.

165 words

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