Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Three American countries

The table shows information about 3 north American countries which are U.S, Canada and Mexico. The population, language, land area,religion,literacy rate, unemployment rate and exports are very dfferent,In general
Over all, The highest population is Mexico  with 107,449,525 people. Second is literacy rate for the three countries is very similar. The literacy rate for U.S is 97%, CA is 97% and Mexico is 92%. Also all of them are Protestant or Roman Catholic. The smallest land area is Mexico which has 1,923.039 km square. The U.S and CA language is English. However Mexican people speak Spanish. Canada is only the country speaking French .While all of them export things outside, but they are not the same.
For example U.S exports industrial supplies, automobiles and agricultural, On other hand Canada  exports motor vehicles, aircraft and telecommunicate, so they are very different
To summarize Mexico has the highest population and Canada the lowest. All these countries have similarities, But mostly differences  
165 words

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