Thursday, June 2, 2011

Reflection of the course

In this semester we had in English subject and the code of it was ENGN-175.I learned many things in 175 that help me in different skills such as speaking, writing, reading and listening. Of course we had to speak with Mr. Grogrey in English so we were practicing speaking skill. Also I have been studying the writing since the first year in HCT but in this course the writing was quite hard,But still am improving. And all of  this improvement because of Mr. bicycle man. More over the reading actives was easy at begging of the course but while after while it became harder. Anyway my listening skills got much better. In the end, this course was helpful for improve my in English subject when we have teacher like you.

Population change 1950-2015 line graph 1

Year after year population increases. This bar chart illustrates the city population change between 1950-2015. Overall there is big fluctuation of population numbers.
In 1950, the population in China showed  5 million people  while the highest population number was in New York with 13 million. People in Cairo were 10 million in year of 2000. The lowest population number was in London in 2015. Between 1950 to 2015 the population number largest sharply increased to over 25 million people. Tokyo and Bombay are the largest two cities in 2015.

In conclusion, the population of London was the lowest during the past 50 years. Also the population change of Tokyo remained the same from 2000-2015 with over 25 million people. 
132 words

Visitors to Canada in 1996-2006 line graph 2

This line graph illustrates the number of visitors over a 10 year from two countries (Japan &Spain) to Canada. Over all there is big fluctuation of visitor numbers from Spain and Japan to Canada.
In, the number of visitors from Japan was 800,000 while 250,000 were from Spain. The number of Japan visitors remained steady from 1996 to 2001. Also the fewest number of visitors from Spain was in 1996. The highest number of visitors from Japan was in 1998. Also the number of visitors from Spain was highest in 2004. Between 1996 and 1999 the visitors from   Spain shows an increase to 600,000 visitors.
In conclusion, the number of Japanese visitors outnumbered the Spanish visitors during the 10 years period.Moreover, the numbers of Spanish visitors grow significantly over time.
140 words

Examination at HCT argumemt 3

Examination at HCT have both positive and negative aspect, this easy will look at whether examination are unfair way of assessment and discuss both sides of argument
First let us look at why exams may not be good thing. Many people believe that they cause nervousness and examine doesn’t fulfill the purpose as student get lower grades because they feel unwell. Another point is that people who have responsibly  like those who have jobs or have kids so they don’t have time to study .A last point is some people say since we live in 20th century and have a lot of technology so they  think that exams are old fashioned.
Now let us look at why exams are sometimes necessary many people believe that examinations are a fair way of assessment and should be used in HCT.The first point is testing is fair because all students take the same test  at the same time. Another point that is testing is good way to determine what students have learned I the course. A last point is that many people think that exams will encourage students to work harder and will give them good feedback of their understanding of subject.
I respect both sides which I argued, but I believe that exam are good way to evaluate the student also it fair because   it’s disrepute equally for all
235 words

Underground in London line graph 4

The line graph shows the number of people using London underground station in one day.
There is a peak in the passenger numbers at about 400 at 8:00 am. There is a sharp fall in passenger’s numbers to fewer than 200 at 10:00 am. Next, there is slight rise in passenger number in afternoon. There is a rapid fall in number reaching allow of approximately 100 in the late in afternoon. There is a increase in numbers peak at around 400 in the next 2 hours. There is a  great fluctuate in figures between 6-10 pm. In the evening. There are s significant decreases in passengers number from 6-8 pm.
Finally, there are significant change in the passenger number over time in a Landon tube-station. There is margined rise and fall in numbers in the last couple hours. There are slight increase and decreases in number of commutes in the final 2 hours.
153 words

Sunday, May 22, 2011

mobile phones argument 5


The UAE police every year organize a campaign. The last police campaign was about not using mobile phones while people are driving .Using handheld phones should be make illegal has positive and negative aspaets.This essay will discuss both sides of the argument.
First let us look at why using handheld phones should be made illegal, is good idea. Many people think that not allowing the use of handheld phones will lower once accident parentage .If people aren’t using their mobile, than they will concentrate on their driving. Another point is police can stop drivers on the road, if there is a law then police are able to enforce it and give people tickets or fines. The last point is traffic fines will help pay for traffic safe programs, to teach people how to drive safe.

Now let us look at why using handheld phones should be made illegal is not a good idea. First if you have an important call and you don’t have your headphones will have to ignore the callers. Another point is problem for businessmen. Businessmen need to talk on their phones while going to an oppointment.Another point is there is really no research that supports whether mobile phones use is dangerous or not. the last points is you can’t stop the car and complete yours call on the side of the road, but you still can talk from your car.
All in all, driving cars needs all of the drivers attention because it’s dangours.i think it’s good to made it illegal because it will reduce the accident percentage. I hope everybody has a safe trip.
271 words

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Reasons for choosing a university

The chart shows reasons why first year students from overseas chose a particular university. Good language support comes at bottom by 20 percent. Language of tuition is top of the survey with approximately 95%. At 95 percent of the sample, Language of tuition is the main reason behind students choosing a university. The survey of 1000 first year overseas students was carried out at universities in the UK. Good language support at 20% is the factor more students quoted least when making a choice about which university to attend. Language of tuition is a reason by nearly five times as many students as Good language support, at 95% and 20% respectively. The top three reasons are language of tuition, Quality of teachers. Up-to-date teacher facilities, at 95%, 90% and 90% respectively. According to the graph, the main reason is given as the language of tuition. The various factors can be divided into two groups, namely those related to teaching and non-teaching related. While around 95 percent of the students gave the language of tuition as the main reason for choosing a university, only 30 percent selected modern teaching methods. The cost of accommodation at 80 percent was five percent more than the cost of tuition at around 75 percent. Eighty percent of the sample mentioned the cost of accommodation as a reason for choosing a university as opposed to 75 percent for the cost of tuition. Reasons which influence students are the cost of accommodation and the cost of tuition than location at 80% and 75% respectively. Good language support was stated by only 20 percent of the sample as a reason for choosing a university compared with modern teaching methods at 30 percent.

Words: 291

Obesity in UAE

Fat people have became so fat because of they are eating a lot and they don’t do exercise. The side effects of obesity are psychiatric and organic diseases. One of the psychiatric diseases is people make fun to them so they have a lower a self-image one of many problems is may be they have a heart attack. The percentage of the obesity in UAE is more than 60% and it’s high.  Also the obesity in Arab Gulf is 55% so it’s problem. I will outline some problems linked to obesity in UAE and suggest some viable solutions.
Most of fat people don’t realize the problem that they may have in the future. Fat people don’t know anything about healthy eating especially the young people. An Other problem of obesity is they have same routine every day all the time relax and watching T.V or using computer. They don’t do any physical work. Last problem is young people and adult eating too much of fast food, Which contains a lot of calories and carbs, In fact they use fast food as a main meal.
There are several things that can be done about this problem. First parents and school should educate people about healthy eating, like giving them table food. A Second solution is change the life style to be more active, For example, sedentary job should  move every ten minutes work for 5 -10 minutes. The last solution is learn how to cook your food, instead of eating fast food and make it only once or twice in the week.
In conclusion, There are several things that reduce the weight are do exercise, learn what to eat and be strong willed. My opinion is the sports is the best ever solution.     
298 words

Three American countries

The table shows information about 3 north American countries which are U.S, Canada and Mexico. The population, language, land area,religion,literacy rate, unemployment rate and exports are very dfferent,In general
Over all, The highest population is Mexico  with 107,449,525 people. Second is literacy rate for the three countries is very similar. The literacy rate for U.S is 97%, CA is 97% and Mexico is 92%. Also all of them are Protestant or Roman Catholic. The smallest land area is Mexico which has 1,923.039 km square. The U.S and CA language is English. However Mexican people speak Spanish. Canada is only the country speaking French .While all of them export things outside, but they are not the same.
For example U.S exports industrial supplies, automobiles and agricultural, On other hand Canada  exports motor vehicles, aircraft and telecommunicate, so they are very different
To summarize Mexico has the highest population and Canada the lowest. All these countries have similarities, But mostly differences  
165 words

Monday, February 28, 2011

Leisure product in Uk

The two pie charts show spending on leisure products in the UK by groups of ages 20-30 and 50-60. Overall, people in the UK spend a lot of money on the electronic equipment.
The biggest difference was on purchasers for sports. In group of age 20-30 spending on sports is 20%, but in the 50-60 age group it's 5% or one-quarter. The biggest expenditure of leisure products is on  electronic equipment at 41% and -38% for three groups respectively . The second biggest expenditure for leisure is on books and magazines by the 50-60 age group at 28%. The money spent on the leisure product, specifiically on photography in both age group remains the same at 5%
In conclusion, the electronic equipment has first place in the money spent in the UK. The 50-60 age group the has lower percentages of spending. They spend money a lot for books and magazines.

165 words

UAE marriage fund

Before the marriage was too cheap and not complicated because of changes in life. Nowadays to marry is expensive and has many requires. The UAE government established a marriage fund many years ago. Also they try to lower the number of marriage loans. This essay will describe why it was established and how effective it has been.
There are many reasons why the marriage fund is useful nowadays. The first reason is marriage is very expensive. A typical marriage costs hundreds of thousands dirham’s. Second reason is many UAE guys do not have money to get married or they miss some thousand of dirham’s to the perfect wedding. So they ask the bank to take a loan. Final reason is the number of people in UAE who marry non-Emiratis will go up if there no marriage fund.
The marriage fund also has many effects. One effect is the marriage fund provides 60.000 DHS so the percentage of loans for marriage will go down. Seconds effect the marriage fund will cheer up the people getting married and the number will increase. The last effect is more UAE women are getting married and the number of spinsters will go down.

In conclusion people still go to get loan but the marriage fund has helped the people. The government will support more and more people to marry with future  

Saturday, January 8, 2011

In every Eid holiday .I go with my family or with my friends to RAK to visit the relative and in the same time I do to relax. I always  go to the  RAK by my car Nissan Altima v6 .I always travel with my friends .but my friends  all were  busy .so   I travelled alone and something happened to me

I started at 01:30in the  morning .I usually go earlier then this time .but in that day I was wake up late .like anybody else I was having fun alone in the Emirates highway. I was playing music tracks and drinking water.when I reached the Aum ALQwain.The light columns were not working that night .also I   like to used the fog light which make it hard to see the road. When I was paying attention to the road something white is from the roof of the car felled down. So I stopped the car .one the right of the road. I discovered that was paper which fell down from sun visor of the car .i laughed a lot but wasn’t fun before I discovered it.
From that day I always make sure when I put the paper in the sun visor carefully and drive the car used the bean light or high light on dark roads.

This story is about how misspelling one letter Led to  big misunderstanding. In somehow I have story happened in the UK in 2007  
One day in 2007 in the UK.There was a poor family living in London be sides the oxford underground station. They were 5 people in the family .Father, mother, 2 boys and one girl .Mr.jones who is the father had a hard time. He was working in the mall as security, but the salary wasn’t high. In that time Mr.jones had to pay for taxes, school for has children and for the home. One day Mr.jones decided to sell his home to get money for his need .While he was sighing the paper to sell the home .he saw by chance on unopened message in the ground .it was written on the message ’congratulations’. Mr.jones was surprised because he was surfing a lot. He opened the massage than he shoot. Ms.jones came to him .she was scared .she thought   that something happened to her husband. Then she saw Mr.jones smiling
And crying .he asked his wife to look at massage .she looked at it. Then she started crying. It was a check for 1.000.000 pounds! He was so happy and his wife too. He huge his wife and he s poke to her that all the problems were solved also he will open a small shop. Then he cut sell home paper into small pieces and he throw it on the Ms.jones and they went to bed.
 Next day morning he revised a massage that said the check was misspelled. And the check was for Mr.jonas who lived behind his home. A few seconds later Mr.jones fell on the ground. Ms.jones   called the ambulance. The doctor said that he had a heath attack. Then he said I did the best I could then he left.. In the same time one man came to Ms.jones and   he gave her check of 100,000 pounds. It was from his business man when Mr.jones caught the thieves trying to steal 1000000 pounds.
All in all sometime people behave without thinking .they don’t say why should I have this money for example .and they don’t know what tomorrow awaiting them.

 Oil is substance that make UAE one of the richest country in the wide world, also UAE is one of the most important oil exporting countries so I will write about how petrol is produced..
     First, oil is located by geologic survey teams. After that it is pumped via pipeline from the rig to the refineries. Then it is stored in storage tanks. It is refined into various products like petrol which is mainly used for cars, jet fuel that’s used for airplane. Afterward Petrol is stored in tanks. Then it is transported to petrol stations. After that it is stored in underground tanks. Finally it is pumped into car tanks and car is happy .
Nowadays we used a oil products in many things. and it’s useful. Unfortunately, the oil  is finishing that’s why UAE  government is careful  about it and its depend on other sources.
  At The dentist
Mr. Bean story begin when he was sleeping then he wake up and he realized that he was late for his dentist appointment.
      First, Mr. Bean was sleeping when the alarm rang. Then he got out of bed. After that he did some exercises. Then he shaved. After that he read the note about the dentist appointment. Afterward he got into his car and dressed while driving. He poured water on the boy. After that he arrived at the dentist> He played with dentist chair. Dentist tried to fix Mr. Bean’s teeth but Mr. Bean stabbed the dentist with the syringe, then the dentist fell down. After that Mr. Bean fixed his own teeth. The dentist woke up and Mr. Bean was frightened. After that he left the dentist office.
      Visiting the dentist for some people it is bad dream and scary but not with me. It’s fun for Mr. Bean and he had enjoined at the dentist